Who are the wise ones that we should associate with and what is the good thing of associating with the wise people?
the Lord Buddha taught us not to associate with the fools, and we should associate with only the wise ones. Who are the wise ones that we should associate with and what is the good thing of associating with the wise people?
Our Human Environment in the Six Directions includes those who are the most influential in our lives
Parents Should Cherish Children
I believe that many parents always want to cherish their children. No matter how good or how bad they are, they are your own flesh and blood. They actually are pure when they are born.
Fundamental Information :- Peace Revolution Program for Youth
Fundamental Information of Peace Revolution Program for Youth. It is the interesting questions about meditation. Meditation lovers don't miss them!!
Humility # 2
We need to associate those who can point out our delusions on a regular basis. Such friends could help us to assess what we do and show our weaknesses
What is a definition of karma?
As a mother, I have taken great care in teaching my children about virtues, but children these days need to have good reasons. So they often would ask me a question in return concerning the standard one would use to measure good and bad? I am unable to answer their question sufficiently, so I ask you, Luangphaw, to help provide a definition to the word karma? How many ways can one acquire karma? What are the determining factors?
What I received from Meditation
I had a strong feeling that I'd gain a lot of benefits from meditation and what I thought was right. From the very first moments I was there, I felt unbelievable joy and did not feel any worries. Being a part of this meditation program has been such an amazing experience.
Answer by Law of Kamma :- Love Mom For 24 Hours
She has made merit since she was young because her mother is her best friend who taught her to do. But she has not gone to the temple for a few years because she has to take care of her old mother. However, she does not stop making merit.
From a Buddhist stand point, what are the underlying causes of the unrest?
I would like to inquire about the current unrest in the south. From a Buddhist stand point, what are the underlying causes of the unrest?
How is a fool is and what are the ill-effects from associating with the fools?
The first auspiciousness of life teaches us not to associate with the fools. First of all, I’d like to know how a fool is like, and what the ill-effects from associating with the fools are.